Answer: The sine wave shifted downward by
3 V. The new peak values are 2.5 V and -8.5 V

Answer: The sine wave shifted upward by
1 V. The new peak values are 4 V and -2 V & vT @ 390o is equivalent to 2.5 V

i) vO = 5 + 2 sin (ωt)
ii) The sine wave shifted upward by 5 V. The new peak values are 7 V and 3 V

Answer = 33.3

Answer = 469.4

Answer = 104.3

Answers: io = 66.67 mA & vo = 2 V

i) RI = 0.353 k-ohm
ii) vo/vs = 5
iii) vo = 75 sin (wt) V and
io = 0.75 sin (wt) mA

i) 𝑣0 = 7.2 V and io = 4.8 mA
ii) 𝑣0 / 𝑣S = 12

Answer: Vo = 12.86 V

Answer: Ai = 19.2

i) vi = 0.625 vs
ii) vo = 67 vs
iii) Av = 67

Answer: vo ≅ 19.07 V

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